1. Grab yourself some wooden pegs from the discount store $1.99 AUD (20 pegs). 2. Decorate your pegs with small stickers or permanent marker pens if you really want to expand your creativity and be inspired when you open your closet! 3. Place 2 drops each, of YL Essential Oil (chemical free, organic) Lavender (calming) and Cedarwood (repells moths). Place on front and back of pegs. You can add more/less if you want and wait for it to SOAK into the wood. Total 8 drops. 4. See below on how to purchase YL Oils as a retail, or wholesale member (24% off). You can choose which different oils you want. Rosemary is another Oil which repells the moths. 5. Place 2 or more pegs on your coat hangers. See image below. My pegs fitted most of my coat hangers. 6. These Coat hanger Pegs were adapted from YL Friend Jenny with her Car Vent Peg Idea. Please share and comment below on your gains/adaptions. I hope you have fun with it! 💕 Step by Step Instructions on Signing Up as a Wholesale Member (24% off) or Retail Member and TO PURCHASE YOUR PRODUCT/S:
1 Head to https://www.youngliving.com/vo/#/signup/new-start & enter your information. Click: Recommended by another YL Member (ID number 3477202). 2 Make sure you check “Wholesale Member” (so you can have 24% off). If not, simply choose to join as a “Retail Member”. 3 Make sure the Sponsor ID and Enroller ID say 3477202 4 Pick your choice of Young Living Product (EG. Stress Away Roll On - in “New Release” Product Section ) 5 Enter payment/shipping details. Then….Skip Step 3 (which is optional). 6 That’s It! Your product should arrive in 7-14 days (if not sooner!) Feel free to email me at [email protected] for any questions on the YL Essential Oils or ordering process. My YL Essential Oils Website is: http://www.youngliving.org/kateburke1 Comments are closed.
Have a little "Yoganess" in your day!