![]() 1. See slide show below (6 slides in total) for a very quick summary of the overall "DIY how to". 2. Obtain a mug - grab your own favourite mug OR one already "room labelled" (more info on the specific labelled and personalised mugs can be viewed here: http://www.gearbubble.com/kitchenoilsmug). Keep your Essential Oil Packaging cardboard tube that you received your Oils in ~ that holds either 2 to 4 oils. Gather your favourite/most used oils and note where you want to place your mug/s in your home (usually where you most use them). 3. I find I use oils in my bedroom (usually relaxation oils), bathroom (relaxing or energising oils), kitchen (cooking or drinking oils) and laundry (for cleaning such as thieves, eucalyptus based oil blends). Therefore, this is where I want my 'storage mug' to be kept and 'on show' so it is immediately handy to use, and aesthetically pleasing!! 4. Decorate your cardboard tubing to match your room/s and mug/s. Have fun with this, I used ribbon/tie/wrapping paper/marker pens. 5. I find I can store 8 x 15ml Essential Oil Bottles, in a mug at once. Definitely 2 x large cardboard tubes per mug (1 large tube fits a total of 4 oils, mug holds 2 x tubes). Lid of Oil will just show at the top of the large tube with 4 bottles in the one large tube in the mug! 6. I also labelled which oils I have in the tube. You can do this on computer in fancy text and print it out, if you know how, or just label them yourself and place on the end of the tube with some sticky tape. If you have a permanent pen/s, that will also work. 7. If you would like to purchase the mugs I have created and designed (or you want a personalised mug) from this post, with the specific room names already complete in metallic gold text on a 15oz White Ceramic Mug ~ visit this link and find the "Mugs" category. http://www.gearbubble.com/gbstore/feelhappy For Kitchen Oils Mug Visit: http://www.gearbubble.com/kitchenoilsmug For Bathroom Oils Mug Visit: http://www.gearbubble.com/bathroomoilsmug For Bedroom Oils Mug Visit: http://www.gearbubble.com/bedroomoilsmug For Cleaning Oils Mug Visit: http://www.gearbubble.com/cleaningoilsmug For Your Name Mug Visit: http://www.gearbubble.com/yournameoilsmug 8. To purchase Essential Oils Visit this link: http://www.youngliving.org/kateburke1 9. Contact me on my "Contact" page on this website, with any questions re the products on this post. Please like, share and comment on this post, if you wish. Thank you and I hope you have benefited from this post. Happy oiling !! 💕 ![]() 1. Can you feel happy and unhappy at EXACTLY the same moment? Usually it is not possible. Hence, if you are open to "letting go" of that unhappy feeling in any moment, and allowing it to release and dissolve .... then, try allowing a feeling of "happiness" and expand that feeling of happiness even more ...... happiness can prevail more often than not ! 2. Notice when you have had a really great belly laugh ... when the laughter subsides there is relaxation and 'peace'. A quietness. It is usually this sense of "peace, quietness and released emotions" that we seek when laughter subsides ... 3. When striving and striving and striving , sometimes you may just want to simply stop. So can you just stop? For example, take a moment and just STOP reading these words now......... Can you notice the "quiet mind"? Then, can you expand that "quietness" for 30 secs, and then, can you expand that "quietness" of mind to 1 min , then 2 mins and so on. Just to simply notice beyond the busy-ness, in any moment. 4. Can you let go of "coulda, woulda and shoulda" ... which is based on "what was", which is done and gone. Ask yourself "How do I do yesterday, today ?" It is not possible to do what was "past", in the moment of now !! 5. If all else fails ... just think of everything/anything that in your experience brings forth that feeling of happiness .... and allow that feeling to expand if you can! Thank you to The Sedona Method (sedona.com) for the inspiration for this post. Please Note: If you would like to share the happiness daily products in this post, VISIT: http://www.gearbubble.com/gbstore/feelhappyyoga ![]() In my experience, "endless relaxing" must be possible. By the term "endless relaxing" I am referring to the feeling of "at ease, at peace" from within, no matter what you are doing, being or having! No, I am not a Buddhist Monk so I have not quite mastered the "endless/unlimited" state ..... yet !!!! How could it be possible? Once again , in my experience, it may be possible through releasing the emotions around "what is not relaxing/ or disturbing the inner peace/ease", which is usually a feeling of "resistance"!! There's a great technique to release emotions easily and it is called "The Sedona Method" and is available online at sedona.com I first created the slogans "endless relaxing" and "unlimited relaxing" for busy people such as Moms with children who work full time (or not!!) , business people/career people with no time to spare, and/or anyone who was experiencing a whole lot of daily stress ... It was really meant as a joke which then made me wonder, well "what if"? So I noticed that when truly in a state of 'relaxing' from within, the eyes are 'at ease'. When asleep, the eyes are so relaxed they close. When in a state of shock they tend to open very widely!!! Voice tone is another give away that relaxation is happening from within. A soft tone usually signifies 'inner peace' where as an angry tone, for what ever reason, usually comes from some type of resistance and the tone becomes louder and sometimes higher. Chanting and mantras are examples of the meditative state and a state of relaxation where the voice tone usually appears softer, and relaxation is enhanced from the chanting. Ah well , it is an ongoing process but fun to discover my own "inner peace" and that which prevails from other peaceful beings such as the Dalai Lama and Buddhist Monks. For more info on the "Endless Relaxing" gift mug above, and other gift products visit: http://www.gearbubble.com/endlessrelaxinggoldmug |
Have a little "Yoganess" in your day!