"Live Your Lovely-ness. It's Your Birthright!" original quote and real photograph by Kate Burke © November, 2024. Photo was taken whilst on vacation in The Glasshouse Mountains, Sunshine Coast, Australia.
When out and about in nature, even when not on vacation, it is quite amazing when stopping to notice nature, 'what can really be seen?'. Can you notice that the golden rose in the real photo seems to have grown in the form of the background mountain, and the red bud rose is growing where the background tree forms a heart shape ? These are the tiny miracles within nature , when I stop, pause and notice ! So can you go on out , and simply "Live Your Lovely-ness" , naturally, that is who you truly are, at your depth .... and on the surface too !!! 💗 To purchase this original photo and original quote, and for more real photos and quotes by Kate, you can view it here.
![]() 1. The image on the left here, is of laminated cardboard AND/OR an old coaster with the laminated cardboard attached to it with double sided tape. 2. Simply grab yourself some coloured cardboard and cut it out in the shape of an old coaster. 3. Choose your favourite Yoga images from google images, print them and cut them out. Or type your favourite Yoga quote. 4. Place images on your card board that has been cut out in the shape of your old coaster. 5. Laminate the cardboard and attached image and/or inspirational quote/text (which I have on the above images) No laminator?? Try some clear contact instead. Trim the laminated cardboard so the corners are rounded and act as a clear border. (see above images) 6. You can just use the finished laminated cardboard if you wish as a coaster, or attach it to an old coaster with double sided tape. 7. Get creative with this, use different coloured cardboard or plain, use images, use just text or match your decor. 8. If all else fails you can grab yourself these ready made Yoga Drink Coasters on Amazon .... a little more professional (yet, functional) than the ones I made do with from a couple of years ago !! www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B075VMKT3C ![]() Relax ~ Release ~ Rejuvenate ~ Renew ~ Repeat. Relaxation is an opportunity for the mind to clear, rest and be 'at peace'. Can you allow yourself to 'take a moment', no matter where you may be, and have a little 'relax". Here's how! 1. Can you just stop? Pause ..... and really check right now, if you can hear that snail slithering through the grass? Notice the 'busyness of mind', has to subside in order to really 'listen to a snail slithering' or an ant building its nest. A quietness prevails. Tune into that quietness anytime you want a break from 'over thinking' and simply allow the shoulders to drop and relaaaaax! 2. What is it, that is aware of thinking? (Possible answers could be: the mind, me or my brain.) So what is aware of the mind, me, or my brain? What is aware of that awareness? The aim here is to "empty" the answers so the mind can pause .... from its thinking and thinking .... and notice the stillness and silence beyond. You can extend that period of stillness/quietness and see if you can notice it for 10 secs to 30 secs, 1min, 10 mins, 20 mins etc. Empty out the busy-ness and welcome that fullness ! 3. Need a little gentle guidance to apply this freedom beyond the busy mind and to relax? Download the free App from World Wide Releasing Instructors Annie and Tim at: www.sedonareleasingworldwide.com/irelease-app/#sthash.2bCH0s70.dpbs Experience "Letting Go" of any daily stress, release on health issues, and goals. In my experience, it is an extremely effective and very 'freeing' resource. So go on out and "Be ....... the stillness in the peace." (K. Burke) Check heartofreleasing.org for some really basic 'how to' enhance your "being" !!
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